Vision And Mission

Our raison d’etre, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, aptly personifies the significance of Education in our life. Based on this conceptualisation and vision, the Doaba Khalsa Trust has made an endeavor to establish state of the art Educational Institutions and create gainful employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for the youth across the country.
At Doaba Group of Colleges we strive to impart meaningful education through a rational mix of advanced technology and robust pedagogy in consonance with the stringent demands of competitive global market. Besides the academics the students also participate in a number of extracurricular activities to develop a wholesome personality.To support our mission, we offer market oriented nationally and internationally recognized courses & training programs for the enrichment of students. In brief, we aim at building a highly competent and skilled Human Resource Base in sync with ever changing needs of the industry through provisioning of value based quality education.


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