About the Course

Basically diploma holders in Mechanical engineering are imparted training to work in industry as supervisor of production shops which includes supervision of worker working on the machines. They are responsible for controlling production and quality of the product on the shop floor as well as be responsible for production, planning and control ,erection, installation, calibration and testing of equipments.

Career Opportunities

Mechanical engineering is one of the highest employment generators among all the engineering streams. Due to the widespread usage of machinery and technology, mechanical engineers can find employment almost anywhere in the world. A mechanical engineering graduate can choose a career in Machine Tool Industry, Automobile Industry, Railway, Thermal Plants, Govt. Departments like PWD, B&R. Now a days mechanical engineering diploma holders do find good opportunities in Army Navy & Air force.

Further Education

You can pursue bachelor's/ master's of technology for higher education.

Eligibility Criteria

a. Matriculate with PCM through JET as conducted by AICTE/PSBTE&IT. b. Lateral Entry in IInd Year with +2 with PCM with 60% marks. c. Lateral Entry in IInd Year after completion of Ist year at ITI securing above 60%.

You can Apply for the Course at

  • 1. Campus Mohali
  • 2. Campus Ropar
  • 3. Campus Nawanshahr

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