About the Course

Electronics and Communication course is an area of specialization. Students of electronics and communication engineering often use microprocessors to introduce programmable control in their projects and in industrial training. Microprocessors find application in process control industry. This course is also a part of the electronic switching system between source and destination in long distance telecommunications. It includes the field of fiber optic communication, satellite communication and other communication systems.

Career Opportunities

The Practical and systematic environment helps the students to clear their concepts by using Hi-Tech Laboratories. The prospects of electronic professionals are extremely vast and not limited to some particular sector. Electronic professionals have opportunities in Defence, space and other large research organizations that employ professionals in design and development of complex devices and systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems, electronic equipments, biomedical equipments etc also provide large scale placements for electronic professionals.

Further Education

You can pursue bachelor's/ master's of technology for higher education.

Eligibility Criteria

a. Matriculate with PCM through JET as conducted by AICTE/PSBTE&IT. b. Lateral Entry in IInd Year with +2 with PCM with 60% marks. c. Lateral Entry in IInd Year after completion of Ist year at ITI securing above 60%.

You can Apply for the Course at

  • 1. Campus Mohali
  • 2. Campus Ropar
  • 3. Campus Nawanshahr

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