About the Course

This branch deals with the design and construction of computers, development of computer programs (software), computer based information and control systems. In its most general form it is concerned with the understanding of information compilation, transfer and transformation. It deals to diagnose the faults for trouble shooting PC range of computers and associated peripherals.

Career Opportunities

  • Web Designer
  • System administrator
  • Network Engineer
  • System Analyst

Further Education

You can pursue bachelor's/ master's of technology for higher education.

Eligibility Criteria

a. Matriculate with PCM through JET as conducted by AICTE/PSBTE&IT. b. Lateral Entry in IInd Year with +2 with PCM with 60% marks. c. Lateral Entry in IInd Year after completion of Ist year at ITI securing above 60%.

You can Apply for the Course at

  • 1. Campus Mohali
  • 2. Campus Nawanshahr

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