B-Tech-Civil Engg.

About the Course

Civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline. It deals with the built environment and can be dated to the first time someone placed a roof over his or her head or laid a tree trunk across a river to make it easier to get across. The built environment encompasses much of what defines modern civilization. Buildings and bridges are often the first constructions that come to mind, as they are the most conspicuous creations of structural engineering, one of civil engineering's major sub-disciplines. Roads, railroads, subway systems, and airports are designed by transportation engineers, another category of civil engineering. And then there are the less visible creations of civil engineers.

Career Opportunities

Civil engineers make sure people have safe places to live and work. They provide clean drinking water and find ways to reuse garbage. Civil engineering has five specializations: • Environmental engineers remove contaminants from water, reduce non-hazardous solid waste volumes, eliminate pollutants from the air and develop groundwater supplies. • Geotechnical engineers develop projects below ground and determine ways to support structures on and in the ground. These engineers perfect mixtures for pavements and other structures by developing methods to stabilize soil conditions. • Materials engineers develop concrete and pavement systems for construction and soil stabilization methods. • Structural engineers face the challenge of designing structures that can withstand gusting winds, extreme temperatures, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural forces. They design structures for bridges, buildings, airplanes, and more. • Transportation engineers determine ways to meet the increasing travel needs of people, goods, and materials on land, air, and water.

Further Education

Those who wish to continue their studies after Civil Engineering degree can find a lot of options to choose. They can either go for postgraduate degree in Civil Engineering . The main specializations offered under M. Tech in Civil Engineering are Building Technology and Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering etc.

Eligibility Criteria

10+2 with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects; Chemistry, Biology, Bio–technology, Computer Science, are eligible to pursue B. Tech Course. The minimum qualification for admission to 2ndyear/ 3rd semester of the B.Tech. Degree courses are as under: 1. All those candidates who have passed the diploma in Engg. Technology in any branch from any institution of Punjab / other state and have Punjab Domicile with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate (for SC/ ST 40%) or equivalent grade point are eligible for admission to various disciplines of B. Tech course. 2. He / She is a citizen of India. 10% seats of total intake of each branch are filled in second year out of which 33.3% seats are reserved as management quota which are filled directly by the college.

You can Apply for the Course at

1. Campus Nawanshahr


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