
The college offers cash prizes and scholarship to its outstanding students in order to boost their morale and help them in further excelling in their respective fields.

Cash Awards for Meritorious Students of DIET, DWIET, DCP & Integrated Campus

  • Rs. 21,000/- forlst position in a semester in PTU & Rs. 51,000 for maintaining it throughout all the semesters.
  • Rs. 11,000/- for 2nd position in a semester in PTU & Rs. 31,000/- for maintaining it throughout all the semesters.
  • Rs. 5,100/-for 3rd position in a semester in PTU & Rs. 21,000/- for maintaining it throughout all the semesters.

Mr. Mehar Singh Malhi Memorial Cash Awards for Meritorious Students of Doaba College of Education

  • 1st Position in Punjabi University- Rs. 11,000/-
  • 2nd Position in Punjabi University- Rs. 7,100/-
  • 3rd Position in Punjabi University- Rs. 5,100/-

Cash Award for Meritorious Students of Doaba Polytechnic College of Campuses I, II & III

  • Rs. 11,000/- for 1st position in a semester in PSBTE & Rs. 31,000/- for maintaining it throughout all the semesters.
  • Rs. 5,100/- for 2nd position in a semester in PSBTE & Rs. 21,000/-for maintaining it throughout all the semesters.
  • Rs. 4,100/- for 3rd position in a semester in PSBTE & Rs. 11,000/- for maintaining it throughout all the semesters.

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